Zeek Ortiz

I was always the short-scrawny kid growing up, but that didn’t stop my love for playing any and every sport. I wanted to be good at everything. I really loved playing basketball, running track, and swimming in high school. Other than your normal strength and conditioning workouts for each sport I didn’t really start working out until after I finished high school. When I started college, I started doing your typical bro-sesh type of bodybuilding workouts. While I started gaining muscle and weight, I noticed my performance in sports suffering a little bit because I was losing range of motion. I then transitioned to a powerlifting style of working out because I didn’t want to have a dorito-chip-torso with toothpick legs. I loved powerlifting and getting stronger, but then snatches and clean & jerks were introduced to me through a crossfitter. To me, olympic weightlifting was the ultimate form of all of the things I wanted to be good at – being strong, fast, mobile, powerful, and coordinated. Ever since I started weightlifting, I have had a growing passion and love for performing and teaching the olympic lifts.