3P Masters

Small group class that allows us to adapt workouts for each athlete.

Woman lifting dumbbel

Why 3P Masters?

Whether you are recovering from injury/surgery, coming back to fitness after a long period of inactivity, looking to ease back in postpartum, or any other reason you might be looking for a more gentle approach to fitness, our highly adaptable Masters class is the perfect place for you!

Man working out

Highly Adaptable

Our coaches program functional workouts for our Masters athletes, that are adapted to each athlete to meet their current needs.

3p fitness masters bike training


Our goal is to get you moving safely, get you back to doing what you love in life and doing it long-term.

Woman working out

Highly Trained Coaches

Our Masters coaches have over 30+ years of combined experience in CrossFit Coaching and Sports Physical Therapy. Their knowledge and hands on experience are what makes our Masters program stand out.

3p fitness masters group photo


You will find a community unlike any other in our Masters' class! Meet new friends and join the fun.

Work out with us

Click the button to book a free intro and explore if our 3P Masters classes align with your fitness goals.

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