By: Carol Richards
There are unlimited weight loss programs and pills available that fit the needs of any individual searching to lose weight. Most actually succeed in weight loss, at least for the period of time one subscribes to the program. Unfortunately, many programs aren’t sustainable for numerous reasons: cost, human nature, and side effects to name a few. Heck, now there is even a “magic pill” with the injectable drugs, if you can afford the hefty price tag, horrific side effects, and potential long-term effects of an unknown drug.
Personally, I have tried many weight loss programs over the years: Deprivation, OTC appetite suppressants, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Adkins… All worked to get me to my weight loss goal, but as soon as I stopped following the program, I returned to my normal eating behaviors and gained all the weight back. It wasn’t until I discovered the nutrition program at 3P Fitness, have I achieved maintainable weight loss with a lifelong sustainable program.
One might ask, what was the difference between this program and others? It was motivational, easy to follow, I was eating regular healthy and clean food, there wasn’t any deprivation, there weren’t any side effects, it wasn’t cost prohibitive, I had an accountability coach, and it taught me how to continue the lifestyle once I met my weight loss goal. This last step is very important because we all know maintaining the weight loss is harder than losing the weight.
I believe the most important step in starting a weight loss program is finding motivation. The motivation might start as a high school reunion, New Year resolution, or desire to fit in an old pair of jeans. If the motivation is temporary, so will be the weight loss. Finding a long-term reason for the weight loss will enhance permanence. Examples might include, decreased pain in arthritic knees, healthier lifestyle to avoid chronic conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, or mental well-being. The 3P Fitness program helped me understand the need for the right motivation.
The next step is finding a program that is easy to follow and manage. A program that is difficult to execute will be easy to abandon. The 3P nutrition program is so easy to follow, it’s a no-brainer. It’s a 16-week program in which you receive a customized weekly menu of daily meals, the recipes for those meals, and the shopping list for all the ingredients for the recipes. Additionally, you have a motivational coach that checks in with you weekly to hold you accountable and address any concerns you may encounter along the way. During the initial meeting the coach learns your food preferences, aversions and nonnegotiables. This allows for a menu that meets your needs and includes items that you just can’t go without, such as chips, wine, or chocolate.
Another great perk of this program included never being hungry. As a matter of fact, I had a hard time eating all the prescribed meals. This was the first time I followed a program where there wasn’t deprivation. I believe having six portion-controlled meals per day was a key driver in my success. It allowed my metabolism to remain elevated while avoiding hunger. Also, having meals prepped for the week/day prevented me from mindlessly eating snacks from the pantry, while I prepared a nightly meal. Did I mention that the recipes are tasty and liked by all family members?
The cost of this program was reasonable for the return on the investment not to mention that it was finite, meaning it was only for 4 months. The last month of the program, the coach teaches you how to continue and manage your program for the future. They educate you on the necessary macros and calories to consume daily and provide you with that information on all the recipes. This sets you up for success to manage your own program that is sustainable for the future.
Another great aspect of the 3P nutrition program is the accountability and understanding provided by the nonjudgemental coaches. They know that life happens and support you through the ups and downs of your weight loss journey, while teaching you that it’s ok to have an extra beverage or dessert at a party and how to adjust your program to plan for such occasions! Accountability, whether with a coach or yourself, is important. Having a weekly check-in is a great barometer for goal attainment or maintenance.
If my words haven’t convinced you that this program will lead you to success and something you can follow for a lifetime, let me share some photos. I have been managing my own program for over a year now. You be the judge!